Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Problem Of Suffering Is Not Limited - 1462 Words
The problem of suffering is not limited to human society. The awareness of evils, present not only in human society but also in the physical and biological levels, is raised among scientists and theologians who participate in theology-science dialogue. Not only animals but also plants experience sufferings and pains to a certain extent. On the physical level, the increase of entropy according to the 2nd law of thermodynamics is regarded as analogous to the notion of evil on the physical level. Even though the prevalence of evil in the world raises a question as to the goodness of a god in any religion, â€Å"The problem is particularly pressing for Abrahamic faiths that insist on God’s fairness, love, and goodness.†In that vein, Veli-Matti Kà ¤rkkà ¤inen appositely and acutely points out, â€Å"Rampant suffering and acts of evil in the world, both in relation to humanity (moral evil) and to nature (natural evil), constitute a major atheistic challenge concerning the existence of God.†In this paper, rather than presenting a full-scale theodicy, I engage with the problem of theodicy through careful comparative study between Wolfhart Pannenberg’s and Catherine Keller’s theodical arguments in the context of their dialogue with modern physics and biology. Pannenberg sees that theology and natural science are to be placed in hypothetical consonance , whereas Keller takes an assimilationist approach to theology-science dialogue. The divergence of their interdisciplinaryShow MoreRelatedEssay on The Problem of Evil1269 Words  | 6 PagesAndrew R. 11/21/12 Phil 300 The Problem of Evil One of the most interesting questions in the world is, â€Å"If a God exists, why is there evil in the world?†Most people respond with, â€Å"If God created the universe and us, then there should not be evil in the world,†when asked about God or any other powerful being. The problem of evil is also believed to be the cause of Atheism, and I do believe that there is a solution for this. The problem of evil is not a correct argument. The argumentsRead MoreThe Problem Of Evil, The Fine Tuning Argument And The Moral Argument1210 Words  | 5 Pagesmain concepts that I’m going to talk about which which are the problem of evil, the fine tuning argument and the moral argument. According to theism, God is: â€Å"that being which no greater is possible, and he is omnipotent, omniscient and omnibenevolent.†. By having a God who only desires good, and us living in a world where evil exists, it is logically impossible and that is what created the problem of evil. There are two sides of the problem of evil which are the logical and evidential argument. TheRead MoreRevision Of The Critique Of Hardin’S â€Å"Lifeboat Ethics†:1134 Words  | 5 Pageswas going to bring a downfall to a world of limited resources. Each nation was compared to a lifeboat with the rich being inside the boat and the poor in the water, drowning (Hardin, 561). He wrote the â€Å"Lifeboat Ethics†in 1974 when Ethiopia was having a starvation problem. Hardin’s opinion about the situation was that sending aid to Ethiopia was only making the problem worse and by feeding the people would aid overpopulation; the root to the problem. 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