Thursday, May 21, 2020
Essay about Negative Aspects of Animal Testing - 1257 Words
An Evil Science: ANIMALS IN RESEARCH Dating back to ancient times, animals have been used in research to advance biomedical sciences. However, the ways the human race can exploit these living creatures are absolutely evil. The main concern animal rights advocates have are not concerned with the idea of using animals in research but the way people can torture these animals. The twentieth century has witnessed some of the cruelest acts of violence in the laboratory but it has also seen the rise of the animal rights movement. Cruelty will always exist in this world, in some form or another, but hopefully it can be abolished from the laboratories. One could hear the agonizing screams of the horse from a great distance. Inside the lab the†¦show more content†¦Many people find it difficult to inflict pain upon another human being, but why is it that some people ignore the fact that other animals feel pain as well? Mice and rats, for example, are highly intelligent and social creatures. They form a close bond with their families and any human who shows it affection. They have an amazing memory and never forget a navigation route once they have learned it. And yet, they (along with birds) make up the majority of the animals used in research and the numbers reach up to ten million and are continuing to rise with the popularity of genetic engineering. However the Animal Welfare Act fails to protect these animals and they continue to suffer in laboratories around the world. This common viewpoint, that animals like small rodents do not feel the same pain humans do, leads to inhumane treatment of the laboratory animals such as failure to properly clean cages and the reluctance to use pain-relievers. (, 7/30/06) Our main purpose in the use of animals in research is to advance human medicine. So why is it that the animals must suffer in order for us humans to thrive? What gives us the right to mistreat a different species? Why is it that we feel we are superior to them? Imagine if we were in that filthy cage or strapped to that electric circuit? In 1944, toxicologist John H. Draize ofShow MoreRelatedAnimal Testing : Is It Inhumanity Or Science?1249 Words  | 5 PagesHarjinder Kaur May.17, 2016 Animal Testing: Is It Inhumanity or Science? The idea of using animals in research has been a widely controversial subject for many years, is it inhumanity or science? Every being holds their own perspective towards animals. They may consider animals as machine-like creatures with no consciousness, while others view animals as spiritual creatures who have feelings and emotions just like human beings. For decades, animals have been used for further experimentalRead MoreAnimal Testing : Is It Beneficial For The World1106 Words  | 5 PagesSergio Ramon Mr.Rear English III 30 June 2015 Animal Testing: Is it really Beneficial For The World â€Å"Over 100 million animals are burned, crippled, poisoned, and abused in US labs every year†(11 Facts). 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